Tuesday, December 16

From Carmen - Sat. Dec. 13th

Saturday, December 13, 2008 5:18 PM
El dia miercoles por eso de las 4 de la mañana marco tuvo algunos problemas de respiracion y llegaron varias enfermeras a atenderlo y le hicieron algunos examenes para saber lo que estaba pasando, yo estaba presente y vi mucho movimiento en el cuarto y me asuste bastante porque marco estaba totalmente ido y no respondia a nada, despues de eso lo tuvieron que pasar de nuevo a terapia intensiva y me dijeron que le volverian a poner lel drene en la cabeza para que saliera el liquido que tenia, dijo el doctor que tenia bastante liquido en el cerebro por eso se sentia mal. Hoy vino a hablar conmigo el doctor y me respondio a todas mis preguntas: se decia que a Marco le habia dado una embolia y le pregunte sobre eso al doctor, el me respondio que no habia ninguna evidencia de eso, y sobre los pulmones pregunte si habia algo mal en ellos o si tenia infeccion y todo es negativo, no hay infeccion y todo esta bien con eso. Lo otro es que Marco va a necesitar un drene que va dentro del cuerpo pero no se ve y no se siente y parece que va a ser permanente y me dijo que no me preocupara porque no afecta en nada. Tambien me dijo que lo unico por lo que Marco esta en terapia intensiva de nuevo es que tenian que poner el drene en la cabeza porque tenia liquido asi que me dijo que todo esta controlado y bien con el, el martes 16 le ponen el drene permanente que va dentro del cuerpo. Gracias por estar pendiente de mi gordito. Atte. Pollita de Gil

Saturday, December 13, 2008 5:18 PM
On Wednesday, about 4 AM, Marco had some problems breathing & various nurses came to attend to him. They gave him some exams to find out what was happening. I was there & saw a lot of movement in the room & I was very scared because Marco was totally idle and didn’t respond to anything. After this, they put him back in intensive care & told me that they put the drain back in his head so the liquid he had could drain. The doctor said he had a lot of fluid on the brain & that’s why he did not feel well.
Today the doctor came to talk to me & answered all my questions. It was said that Marco had had blood clots…I asked the doctor about this & he said that there as no evidence of this. I asked him about his lungs & he said there is no infection & everything is fine there.
Marco is going to need a drain that goes inside the body. It will not be visible & he won’t feel it. It looks like it will be permanent…the doctor told me not to worry, that it really doesn’t affect anything. He also told me that the only reason he’s in intensive care again is because they had to put the drain back in his head. He told me everything is now under control & going well w/ him & that on Tuesday the 16th, they will put in the permanent drain inside the body. Thank you for being aware of “my gordito”.
- Carmen

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