Wednesday, December 3

From Jose, sent Tuesday, November 25:


I stopped to see Marco last night and then talked to his wife this morning.

Yesterday the report was that he was getting restless at bed, trying to untie his hands, moving in the bed constantly, and communicating with his wife talking very slow. He insists in wanting to write in a notepad.
Unfortunately for most of us, due to the lot of visits Marco has had in the last couple of days, from friends and people stopping to see Marco the hospital now is requesting that only family members visit Marco, and one at the time. They are worried that Marco is trying to talk to everyone that comes to visit and not having enough time to rest. The hospital said this situation will be only temporary until Marco has recovered a little bit more; they said that sometime next week they will allow visitors again.

This morning I talked to Marco's wife by phone. She even said that last night the nurses encouraged her and a sister to go home and try to get a good night of sleep. They said they wouldn't allow them to stay in the room with Marco. As you see the hospital now is forcing Marco to rest more and talk less, as if that was possible for Marco :-). When the wife and sister showed up to the hospital this morning the nurses told them that Marco had a good night of rest and he was doing very well. The nurses were happy to see that and encouraged for the progress Marco has made.

I will keep in touch with Marco's wife and will send a couple of reports in the next week or so. I will let you know when we will be able to visit Marco.m

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